KickStart@FHWS: Starting a business with your own idea
Start-up competition Kickstart@FHWS helps FHWS students to turn ideas into the basis of a business start-up
Start-up competition Kickstart@FHWS helps FHWS students to turn ideas into the basis of a business start-up
The Faculty of Business and Engineering is internationally oriented and hoasts a lively exchange students with over 30 partner universities worldwide. More than 70 students of the degree programs Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen and...
Future-oriented teaching: Introduction of a new specialisation in response to the needs of industry
The teaching content at FHWS prepares the students optimally for the needs of the companies.
The award recognises his outstanding academic achievements and social commitment.
Student exchange in teaching and research can start in upcoming summer semester of 2020.
Twelve lecturers from nine partner universities offered modules for FWI students
Following a good academic tradition, the Faculty of Business and Engineering kindly invites you to the graduation ceremony in 2019.After the official part the well-known band "Blast" from Schweinfurt will ensure party...
Students of lecture PROB (Project in Industry B) with Prof Bremer made their final presentation on 9th January 2019 at SALT Solutions. They presented the Assembly Line, a showcase in Logistics Lab. Together with SALT Solutions...
On 17 May 2019 the time has come again: the happy graduates will receive their certificates on stage. Afterwards they will celebrate - with good food and a party afterwards.Why can everyone look forward to it, even those who...
Welcome dear first semester students! - Dear FWI students: Welcome back to the new semester!
Dr. Johannes Söllner, director of Geis Holding, lent the Logistics-Award for the third time to the best three logistics students. He honored the studente during the graduate-ceremony in the townhall in Schweinfurt.Selina Metz...
In addition to the theoretical teaching, the course also provides for a concrete practical orientation and real tasks
Faculty of Business and Engineering successfully participates
This year students majoring in logistics, again participated at the Rotary club Raft Racing in Schweinfurt. Our team “Die Hochstapler” managed to reach the final, receiving the 7th place out of 46 teams! It was a wonderful...
Already in December a partnership agreement was signed by the presidents of the King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Bangkok (KMITL) and the University of Würzburg Schweinfurt. In order to further manifest this partnership,...
The organisation Alabama Germany Partnership Alabama Germany Partnership strives to promote and support relations between organisations, universities and companies in Alabama and Germany. During their study trip to Germany,...
"Interesting, understandable, practice-oriented Supply Chain Management Lecture": Trainees were positively surprised
Industry tour SSI Schäfer Technology Center On May 17, a group of 11 Students and staff of the study programs Logistics (undergraduate) and Business & Engineering (graduate) visited SSI Schäfer’s technology center at...
Some impressions
Iryna Nikolaienko from Priazovskyi State Technical University (Mariupol, Ukraine) will be teaching international logistics as a visiting professor at the FHWS from 12 to 26 November 2017. Nikolaienko will give the students...
Students from the Faculty of Business and Engineering went on an industry tour to the north of Germany on 16/17 October 2017.At Hamburg, the group visited Desitin, the world’s only manufacturer offering the entire spectrum of...
We would like to say a very warm welcome to all our international Studentens from our partner universities! We have Incoming students from China, Jordan, Russia, Ukraine and Taiwan.We hope you had a great start and wish you a...
Since two weeks we are having two more partner universities in Bangalore, India: R.V. College of Engineering and Christ University. With both universities we are already cooperating for Master Level or for the international...
In September we visited our partner universities in Russia: Higher School of Economics in Moscow and St. Petersburg Academic University of Management and Ecomomics. With both universities we have good partnership and we talked...
On Friday 28th July there was a tribute to the best graduates of FHWS 2017 in the main hall, Schweinfurt.The three best logistics graduates received an award from Geis Group: Anna Dereser, Dave Messal and Samantha Leubner got...
On Sunday 25th June 2017 a group of mostly international students took part at the river raft race in Schweinfurt. The "Logistiker 2.0" had a lot of fun and are looking forward the next race in 2018!
On 16th June a delegation from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies visited us in Würzburg. In our new contract we also included an exchange on Master Level and we extended the number of exchanging students. We are looking...
We are welcoming the delegation from National Taiwan First University of Science and Technology: Prof Tsai, Prof. Guo and Prof. Lin. We have a long lasting relationship and are exchanging around 6 students every...
GJU - German Jordanian University - an important project for both countries
We proudly present our new partner university in Taiwan: National Taiwan Ocean University! Starting with the sumer term 2017 the new partner university is available for our outgoing students. The lectures of NTOU are perfect ...