Young Schweinfurt warehouse logisticians in training attended a lecture at the FHWS

Tue, 29 May 2018 | Logistik, Lehre, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
"Interesting, understandable, practice-oriented Supply Chain Management Lecture": Trainees were positively surprised

In May, the lecture hall of the Supply Chain Management lecture in the Logistics course at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt was filled to capacity. More than seventy apprentices from the first year (training as warehouse clerk) and from the third year (training as warehouse logistics specialist) from the Ludwig-Erhard vocational school in Schweinfurt attended the regular lecture. "Do I understand a logistics lecture in English?", "How can I imagine teaching at a university at all?" or "Is it worth it for me to catch up on my Abi? - Some vocational school students approached their teacher Friederike Mahr with these and similar questions.

The general student advisory service of the FHWS was used to establish contact with the logistics course of studies. Professor Dr. Birgit Gampl, together with about fifty logistics students and five teachers, invited interested students to her lecture in order to provide practical answers to the questions. After the lecture, the lecturer introduced the course and answered all the students' questions.

According to Gampl, they were all very positively surprised at how interesting and - despite the English language - how understandable and practical the lecture was. "The teacher then heard this sentence from some of her students and noticed that the visit had given many of them a boost of motivation. Due to the very positive feedback, the participants of the FHWS and the Ludwig-Erhard-Berufsschule want to repeat this action with the next trainee year.