Double Degree

The Double Degree Programme offers students the opportunity to study at selected foreign partner universities and additionally obtain a second degree.

Within the framework of a double degree programme, the subject allocation for both universities is coordinated and courses are mutually credited. They therefore do not represent separate degree programmes, but link the individual degree programmes of the respective partner universities. As a result of a double degree programme, students who successfully complete the programme receive a Bachelor's degree from the partner university as well as a degree from the FHWS.

The Double Degree Programme of the Faculty

The Faculty of Business and Engineering offers students enrolled in the Bachelor's programme in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen or Business and Engineering the opportunity to participate in the Double Degree Programme of the Deutschen Hochschulkonsortiums (DHIK). Under certain conditions, students can obtain a degree from Tongji University (China) or Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) in addition to the THWS degree within the standard period of study.

Further information on our Double Degree Programme can be found in the E-Learning course Studieren im Ausland FWI / Study Abroad FWI.


If you have any questions, please contact Team International.