Architecture students of FHWS "entered" their own 3D building model via 3D glasses
Digital 3D models have long since replaced planning with pencil and drawing sheets in architecture. These models can not only be seen in the computer, they can also be "entered" virtually. It cannot be ruled out that in the future architects will walk with the landlords through buildings that only exist as software on the computer. How this works, fourteen architecture students from the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt under the direction of Professor Dr.-Ing. Walter Bidmon and architect M.Eng. have worked together in an inter-faculty collaboration. Christian Hofmann in the CAVE (Computer Animated Virtual Environment), the 3D multi-sensor laboratory of the University of Würzburg, which Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Florian Schuster from the Schweinfurt FHWS Faculty of Business and Engineering set up accordingly.
The CAVE is a twelve square metre room with four white walls and a white floor. The digital building model, designed by the architecture students, is stereoscopically projected onto the walls and floor of the CAVE from outside via six large projectors. Standing in the interior, the images are perceived as virtual space with the help of special 3D glasses. The students were able to change floors, move chairs and open windows with a joystick. Small antennas on the 3D glasses record every movement of the students so that they could interactively adapt the three-dimensional projections to the movements on the surface of the CAVE.
The 3D multi-sensor laboratory of the Chair of Psychology I of the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg has been in existence since 2012. The CAVE is mostly used for psychological behavioral or anxiety research such as fear of heights.
Further information at CAVE.