Master of Business and Engineering (MBEE)


Requirements Bachelor’s degree or diploma relevant in the programme’s context
Type and language of instruction Full-time, English-taught
Length 3 semesters
ECTS credits 90
Start possible on every 1 October
Course of study Special feature: Each cohort has a different guiding topic throughout the programme
Final degree Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Place of study Schweinfurt
Tuition fees None
Application period To start on 1 October, apply between 1 April and 15 June every year
Apply here Department of Student Services (HSST)
Questions regarding application and admission
Contact Prof. Dr. Peik Bremer,


Teaser Video Master of Business and Engineering




Hier ist das Teaservideo für den Studiengang MBEE zu sehen.

Announcements for the 2025/2026 cohort

Guiding Theme 25/26: 21st Century Transformations



Newsletter we@fwi

Here is the latest article about the Master of Engineering in the newsletter of we@fwi.

Access to the e-learning course: we@fwi

Access to the newsletter: Newsletter