Second international summer project with thirty students from Auburn University, Alabama

Tue, 23 Jul 2019 | Ereignisse, International, Startseite
Six project weeks at the FHWS in cooperation with companies and cultural trips in international cities

The second summer project at the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences was again attended by thirty American students from Auburn University in Alabama. The programme of the six-week practice-oriented study visit included visits to international cities for the students and lecturers as well as the implementation of a project in cooperation with companies. The students worked with the “Six Sigma” approach, a management method, which helps enterprises to offer their products and achievements in nearly error-free quality and to fulfill thereby the requirements of the customers completely and profitably. The group was divided in six student teams with five members in each team. To carry out the projects, the following steps have been taken: definition - measurement - analysis - improvement - control.

Finally, the results have been presented on a "marketplace" in the round building of the FHWS: Not with PowerPoint presentations, but at exhibition stands, the students presented to the jury with graphics, overviews of topics and explanations.