DAAD approves international, virtual research and teaching environment between the FHWS and Tec de Monterrey (Mexico)
For the project moVi "Remote Virtual Lab 4.0", funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, a virtual environment is to be created so that students from Mexico (University Tec de Monterrey) and the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS) can be taught together in a new way. The project will be funded with almost 100,000,-€ until October 2021. It is located at the Institute of Digital Engineering (IDEE) and the Faculty of Business and Engineering at FHWS.
The new lecture module "Applied Machine Learning for Business and Engineering" is connected via the virtual environment at both locations in Schweinfurt as well as in Mexico and supports the students with various virtual tools. The goal in teaching is to jointly design, develop and implement methods and tools of machine learning for Industry 4.0 with the help of an online teaching and cooperation environment moVi.
Due to the Corona pandemic, a personal exchange is currently not possible: Therefore, a new, virtual concept approach will be developed and implemented in the project in the hope that teaching offerings and a digital infrastructure will be created that can be used and developed jointly by both partner universities.
In addition, the moVi laboratory can also be used and applied in student projects and research projects that can extend internationally and interdisciplinarily across national borders.
Dr. Jan Schmitt, Head of the Institute of Digital Engineering and Research Professor of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, is pleased about the DAAD funding measure: "I am very delighted that we have been awarded the contract for the nationwide call for proposals. With this innovative approach to virtual collaboration, the expansion of our cooperation with Tec de Monterrey goes far beyond video conferences".