FWI Buddies
In the Bachelor's programmes BWW, IBE, BLO and IBL, so-called "Buddies" are contact persons for their fellow students with academic questions and a "think tank" for the further development of the faculty. All prospective students and students can contact the Buddies with study-related questions. You can find the profiles of the current Buddies in the menu on the left. Of course, you can also contact the respective programme directors directly. You can find more information on this under "Contact points" for the respective degree programme.

We are looking for buddies for WS 2025/26 and SS 2026
If you would like to be a Buddy for two semesters: write to us between April 1 and May 20 with a short text (at least 1,000 characters) telling us who you are and what motivates you to be a Buddy and attach your transcript of records. You will hear back from us by mid-June.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Deutschle (BWW), Prof. Dr. Norbert Schmidt (IBL, BLO), Prof. Dr. Elke Stadelmann (IBE), Prof. Dr. Anatoli Wellhöfer (BNED)
Apply Online
- To be the contact person for students in all study-related matters
- Supporting the introductory event for first-year students and other events (e.g. campus tours for guests)
- Contributing ideas for the further development of the faculty at monthly meetings
- Being available for academic questions from fellow students
- Student of BWW, IBE, BLO or IBL.
- Knowledge of SPO, website, e-learning and module handbook
- Accessibility, sense of responsibility and ability to work in a team
- Time required: Varies, approx. 1-2 hours/week during the lecture period.
- No money, but recognition and fun
- Receipt of a buddy certificate
- Further development of soft skills and language skills, as the meetings are bilingual (German/English)
- Preferential treatment, if applying to a partner university abroad with limited study places
- Network expansion in an exclusive circle and intensive contact with professors and faculty members