Our University as well as the Faculty of Business and Engineering (FWI) consider internationalisation a focal point of activities. Occupational fields for industrial and/or business engineers and logistics specialists have an international orientation. We thus aim at preparing our students as best as possible for an international market. In doing so, we pursue two approaches:
German taught and English taught degree programmes
Both our bachelor’s programmes, Business and Engineering and Logistics, are taught completely in German (then called ‘Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen’ and ‘Logistik’) and at the same time completely in English. In these TWIN programmes, incoming full-time students from more than 60 countries are enrolled and in contact with each other through initiatives like we@fwi.
Partner Universities
The Faculty maintains intensive partnerships with higher education institutions all over the world. For outgoing exchange students, this bears the opportunity to spend one semester or longer abroad. Moreover, every semester we can welcome incoming exchange students at our Faculty. In addition, there are further forms of cooperation with our partner universities.
Information for students
As a student, please subscribe to our e-learning course Studieren im Ausland FWI / Study Abroad FWI to the forum "News Studieren im Ausland/News studying abroad" (at the top of the course). Here we publish current announcements for Summer and Winter Schools, important dates for organising a semester abroad, as well as information on scholarships.
Further international news of the Faculty Business and Engineering can be found in FWI news.