Registration for the introductory event for first year students

To start your studies we invite you to an introductory event. There will be a separate face-to-face introductory event for each Bachelor's degree programme of the Faculty of Business and Engineering. The introductory events will take place on Tue, Oct. 1st, 2024 and Wed, Oct. 2nd, 2024.
For the international degree programmes (Business and Engineering as well as Logistics), an additional virtual introductory event will be offered.
Please register only for one introductory event concerning your degree programme!

After the registration period, you will receive an e-mail from us with further information about the introductory events and your first study week.

Please register here until September, 25th 2024, 12 a.m. for ONE introductory event.

*** Start of lectures of all courses in the first semester is October 4th, 2024 ***
